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Lady Elizabeth Hastings' CE VA Primary School

Behaviour & Relationships

At Lady Elizabeth Hastings CofE Primary School we are committed to creating an environment where excellent behaviour is at the heart of productive learning. Everyone is expected to maintain the highest standards of personal conduct, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and encourage others to do the same. We believe that the development and fostering of positive relationships is pivotal to high-quality teaching and learning. 

The respect modelled by our children and adults develops positive behaviour for learning and prepares our children with lifelong skills to maximise their achievements, and personal, social, emotional, moral and spiritual development so that they can live and learn in the light of God. 

Our values are central to all that we do and are reflected across the school.  Our school values are as follows: 

  • Courage
  • Compassion
  • Friendship
  • Respect

These are displayed in every classroom and in other communal areas around school. They are regularly discussed with pupils both in class and during worship. 

Our school has three simple rules, which are aimed at ensuring we can all work together in a supportive atmosphere, with the common purpose of helping everyone to learn and to be happy. The rules apply to all members of the school community, at all times. These rules are

Be Ready

Be Respectful

Be Safe

Be ready to listen and follow instructions


Try your best – Never give up!


Join in with lessons – Work Hard.


Follow the rules and routines.


Speak calmly and politely to everyone.


Use good manners.


Listen and follow instructions.


Treat everyone with kindness.


Look after our school environment.

Follow instructions.


Use kind words and actions.


Move around school safely.


Keep our environment tidy and safe.


Use equipment safely.


Stay safe online and out of school.

We use a restorative approach in which children are encouraged to ‘be responsible’ for their own behaviour and be active in apologising and ‘making it right’. This can take many forms: apology letters, undertaking a task to improve the school in some way, having a discussion about the impact of their behaviour and sometimes a little time out is needed for children to review their behaviour.

This is usually enough and we enjoy a high level of positive behaviour. Our children are always praised highly when they are out on school visits for their manner and attentiveness. This is something we celebrate in assemblies and in weekly newsletters.