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Lady Elizabeth Hastings' CE VA Primary School


Sports Premium

The Government is currently committed to providing funding to schools specifically targeted at supporting the development of PE in schools. This funding – provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport – is allocated to primary school head teachers. This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools. At Lady Elizabeth Hastings’ we receive approximately £17,000 annually. 

Our latest Sports Premium Funding Report can be found here:

PE and Sports Premium Report 2021-2022

PE and Sports Premium Report 2022-2023

PE and Sports Premium Report 2023-2024


A proportion of the funding is used to fund our involvement in sports projects, promoting physical activity and other inter-school competitions. The benefits are several: 

  • Children access competitive sports, including inter-school competitions, across a number of sports 
  • Taster days are provided for class groups to experience new sports and to begin to develop skills in that area 
  • Enabling Bikeability training off site to promote safe bike travel 


The largest proportion of this funding is used to fund our Sports Coaching. The benefits of this approach are several: 

  • The children receive the direct benefit of high quality small group PE teaching provided by Leeds United Foundation professional coaches 
  • Children have access to more after school Sports clubs 
  • Children have access to specialist coaching in preparation for inter-school competitions 
  • Staff have access to regular sports training through observation of professional coaching staff 


The rest of the funding is used: 

  • to purchase resources and training to increase levels of physical activity 
  • to fund specific external CPD for PE 
  • to fund access to a professional Forest School teacher
  • To provide 'top-up' swimming lessons for children with limited access