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Lady Elizabeth Hastings' CE VA Primary School


(Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development)

The wellbeing of our whole school community is a priority for us at Lady Elizabeth Hastings’ School . Our School vision statement is: ‘Living and learning together in the light of God, underpinned by the biblical reference ‘Let your light shine.’ We believe that we should offer our children the widest range of experiences possible, whilst supporting them with knowledge and skills to become effective future members of society. 

We have a comprehensive PSHE curriculum based on the Islington Scheme of work. This is supplemented with Mindmate wellbeing and mental health lessons and specialist visitors. Our RE scheme of work follows the Understanding Christianity lessons alongside the York Leeds syllabus which has strong links to other faiths and cultures.


Beyond this core offer we aim to help the children at Lady Elizabeth Hastings to develop the children’s knowledge of the world and society, their Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural knowledge. 

Spiritual development plays a key role in enabling the achievement of our vision. Our commitment to nurturing each child to develop their gifts involves a strong commitment to nurturing the spiritual growth and development. 

Our thinking, planning and approaches to the development of spirituality in our school has been supported and guided by the Church of England’s Spiritual Development Interpretations of spiritual development in the classroom October 2019.