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Lady Elizabeth Hastings' CE VA Primary School

Pupil Premium

The government has chosen to channel some of the funding it provides for education through the approach they call the Pupil Premium. The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011. Each year schools are allocated funding for children from low-income families based on those pupils who are eligible for free school meals, looked after children and those from families with parents in the Armed Forces. 

Lady Elizabeth Hastings has historically received a small amount of Pupil Premium funding compared with the vast majority of schools as we have low numbers of children who qualify for free school meals. 

Recognising and nurturing the gifts and uniqueness of each child is central to our vision of Living and learning together in the light of God.’ 

Effective use of the pupil grant is central to helping us achieve our vision and deliver our mission. More information on how we set about this can be found below. 

At Lady Elizabeth Hastings School, we take a creative approach to the application of this money to ensure that children’s individual needs are met. All support is discrete and children are unaware of their Pupil Premium status. Our practice in school is to work with families to identify areas of need, be they Breakfast club, after school clubs, 1-1 booster provision, subsidy of residential visits or additional tuition. In this way we ensure that children are given the best chance to compete equally with their peers. 

A portion of funding used to supplement the Teaching Assistant hours to provide support across the school, giving us the flexibility to respond to any specific needs of the targeted children if they occur.

Pupil Premium Strategy 2021-2024 Updated for 2023-2024.pdf