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Lady Elizabeth Hastings' CE VA Primary School

Collective Worship

Collective Worship plays a critical and pivotal role in the life of our school. Our vision of Living and learning together in the light of God translates into and impacts directly on our collective worship provision. 

Through worship, children learn and explore Christian values through the teachings of the bible as well as stories from other cultures and faiths. They consider how these values can influence and impact on their lives and the lives of others helping to improve our world. 

Collective worship creates opportunity to celebrate diversity and uniqueness as well as the values of caring, understanding and compassion that all contribute to enabling us let our lights shine. Through participation in and leadership of worship in its different forms (whole school and classroom based) children experience success and achievement. 

Collective worship takes place daily. Our worship is both whole school and also classroom based. This balance provides regular opportunities for the whole school community to worship together while also allowing opportunity for worship in smaller class based groups. This allows themes to be explored in more detail with an age appropriate focus as well as creating opportunity for children to lead worship with their peers. 

A well-established recognisable rhythm of worship including a key focal point, welcome, hymns, story, reflection and prayer all help ensure worship time is distinctive, special and impacts on the children’s lives. 


We have created a two year cycle of values led themes that are explored through Collective Worship as follows: 

Academic Year 2023-2024: 

Thankfulness, Trust, Perseverance, Forgiveness, Service, Truthfulness