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Lady Elizabeth Hastings' CE VA Primary School

Church School and SIAMS

In our SIAMS Inspection in October 2022, the following statement was published: 

"Lady Elizabeth Hastings is an improving school where all members of the school community are known and cared for. The school vision of ‘Let your light shine’ is at the heart of decisions made by school leaders and illuminates all aspects of school life.  "

SIAMS stands for Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools, which is the inspection process for Diocesan Church Schools and focuses on the effect that the Christian ethos of the church school has on the children and young people who attend it. 

Key findings of the report: 

  • There is a wonderful positivity and sense of renewal and teamwork at Lady Elizabeth Hastings. Driven by the school's vision, the new head teacher is building on strong relationships which are at the heart of this community. 
  • A very effective partnership with the church benefits staff, pupils and their families. The school is blessed with the committed and passionate support of local clergy. 
  • The curriculum nurtures pupils’ talents and aspirations, ensuring they live together with compassion and friendship. Plans are in place to further the links between the vision, curriculum and pupils taking social action. These are at too early a phase to evaluate their impact. 
  • Collective worship unites the school community and reinforces an understanding of the vision and associated values in shaping the lives of the school family daily. Pupils' leadership of worship is at an early stage. Opportunities for spiritual development within collective worship and beyond are not yet sufficiently identified and planned. 
  • Religious education (RE) is regarded as an important subject in the life of the school. Positive pupil attitudes and strong subject leadership provide a good foundation for improving the quality of teaching and learning. 


Our churches and their clergy play a key role in enabling us to achieve our Vision ‘Living and learning together in the light of God.’ As identified in our vision statement, we greatly value relationships, recognising that we all learn with and from each other. We are blessed that our churches and everyone involved with them play a vital role in the life of the school and we value the contributions we are able to make to the work and life of the church and the community. Our local clergy visit school weekly as part of worship and regularly as part of RE.


Please click here to read our full SIAMS report.