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Lady Elizabeth Hastings' CE VA Primary School

Educational Trips, Visits and Experiences

At Lady Elizabeth Primary School, we believe that educational visits are an integral part of the entitlement of every pupil to an effective, broad and balanced curriculum. Appropriately planned visits are known to enhance learning and improve attainment, provide cultural capital and so form a key part of what makes our school a supportive and effective learning environment.

Our teachers ensure that at least one trip or workshop/visitor linked to the curriculum takes place each half term. This means that all children will experience a minimum of 6 such special events each school year and usually more! Each class should aim to visit at least 1 place of worship per year in addition to the regular Church visits we make at special times of the year such as Harvest, Christmas and Easter. 

So far in academic year 2023-2024 our experiences have included:

  • Magna Science Museum
  • Whole School Theatre Trip
  • Visit to the Sikh Temple
  • Stump Cross Caverns
  • Football Tournament
  • Visiting Police and Fire Service
  • Northern School of Contemporary Dance Workshop
  • GB Athlete visit
  • Experience Day at local Secondary School
  • Two whole school visits to Church
  • Local Walk
  • Roman Day
  • Bikeability