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Lady Elizabeth Hastings' CE VA Primary School

Eco Committee 

Our Eco Committee is a group of pupils who meet each month to discuss eco-friendly and environmental issues within school which prepares children to live their future lives with consideration for global issues. There are two eco committee members from each class. In addition, any child in our school can become a 'Friend of the Eco Committee' and help with regular eco initiatives we run throughout the year, such as litter picking and recycling.  Through our Christian ethos, we encourage and enable our pupils to make ethical choices and to be agents of change.

We are working closely with the Boston Spa Green Group to complete an environmental review which will identify our schools successes and areas for improvement. We then use this to create an action plan for the upcoming year. Throughout the year each eco committee member meets with classes in school to discuss ideas about changes and improvements to the. The issues are then raised in meetings and committee members discuss how to move forward with these ideas.
This year, we are working towards the Eco Schools Green Flag Award.  So far we have achieved the following:
  • Pen and glue stick recycling boxes in each class
  • Separate paper bin in each class
  • Visible display to explain the work of the eco committee
  • Bird boxes placed in our forest garden
  • Environmental audit