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Lady Elizabeth Hastings' CE VA Primary School

About Lady Elizabeth Hastings

Lady Betty.jpg

Lady Elizabeth Hastings was born in 1682, the eldest surviving daughter of the 7th Earl of Huntingdon.

At the age of 23 she inherited a fortune from the estate of her grandfather, Sir John Lewis of Ledston Hall, Yorkshire. Lady Betty, as she became known, took up residence at Ledston and adopted a lifestyle of deep Christianity and enlightened philanthropy. A well known Society figure, she declined all offers of marriage.

She saw education as key to the future, built a boarding school for girls at Ledsham and founded schools at Aberford, Collingham, Thorp Arch, and Ledsham. She was also a major benefactor to religious and other charitable causes.

In 1738 Lady Betty contracted breast cancer, for which she underwent surgery, without the benefit of anaesthetics. Considering her future, on 14th December 1738 she set up a Trust Deed, providing for the establishment of the charities that would bear her name. For this to be effective, she had to live for at least a year from that date; she survived for a year and a week, leaving a legacy that has helped tens of thousands of people through four centuries.


The Lady Elizabeth Hastings' Trust supports our school each year by providing educational grants for items requested by us.

The following items were funded in academic year 2022 - 2023:

  • A new school website
  • Funding for trips for those pupils in receipt of pupil premium grant
  • Items to enhance the EYFS outdoor area
  • Reading books, beanbags, story sacks and a new outdoor reading shed
  • A new school telephone system
  • Geographical items such as atlases, globes and maps
  • Science resources
  • Musical instruments
  • Books to support bereavement 
  • Christian Aid collective worship resources
  • Repair of the trim trail on the field
  • Items to enhance our Forest School garden
  • 30 laptops for pupil use

We are incredibly grateful for their support.

To find out more about the Lady Elizabeth Hastings Charities, please click the link below:

Lady Elizabeth Hastings Charities – Enriching Lives Since 1739